If you haven't tasted whole-wheat bread fresh from the oven with butter and honey on a cold March morning, you haven't lived yet. Paul and I are so obsessed with eating it that we're running into the danger of scurvy because it's practically all we eat. I feel so much more energetic and healthy after I've been snacking on it all morning.
Whole Wheat Bread:
4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups white flour
1 envelope yeast
2 1/2 cups hot water from tap
1/3 cup canola oil
2 1/2 T heavy molasses
1/2 cup honey
1 T salt
Turn oven on warm. Grease two bread pans. Mix whole wheat flour, white flour, and yeast together in large mixing bowl. Set aside. In Kitchenaid mixer (or separate large mixing bowl) mix hot water, canola oil, molasses, honey, and salt until well blended. Add a half cup of flour mixture slowly at a time to the hot water mixture and let the kitchenaid knead the dough until it is a solid mass of dough/blob. Spread white flour over counter top and knead dough for 10-15 minutes. Divide dough in half, shape into bread loaves, and place in bread pans. (I usually flop each loaf over so that both sides are greased. This helps the crust not get too hard) Place bread pans in warm oven and then turn the oven off. Cover with foil or damp towel. Let rise for an hour or two. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees.

(I accidentally made one loaf larger than the other)
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