Saturday, August 8, 2015

month five

Party tricks:

-desperately reaching for anything and everything that I put into my mouth
-kicking his sister
-peeing on his sister
-no longer sleeping through the night
-gnawing on his knuckles
-drooling constantly
-smiling at everyone
-still hating his car seat
-stealing his sister's toys
-holding mama's face
-running his fingers through mama's freakishly long hair
-shrieking in delight
-laughing big belly laughs
-thinks getting undressed is hilarious
-pooing up to his neck
-sucking on his toes
-loving peekaboo
-kicking in excitement when he sees a cup to knock over
-pulling on the tablecloth to reach mama's plate
-doing sit ups so that he can see whatever his sister is up to, as pictured below

1 comment:

  1. Just reading some of your more recent posts...hope all is well! we sure miss you guys! i wish charlie and lily had played more...they were quite the team
